Power Rangers Unlimited Forever Rangers TP

Product Number: 9781684155910


Writer: Ryan Parrott

Artist: Daniel Bayliss

Publisher: Boom

Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Power Rangers with these brand-new short stories featuring Ernie in Angel Grove, Alpha 5's struggle to find his true purpose, Tommy and his marriage to Kat, a deeper look at the Ranger Academy, and a mind-bending 'What If?' tale introducing the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return alternate universe, along with additional classic material. Meanwhile, as part of the Darkest Hour event, Ranger Slayer enters the Grid and desperately searches for the Morphin Masters. But as Dark Specter's infection grows increasingly more dangerous, new revelations are uncovered that will shake the Power Rangers universe to its very core! Collects Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 30th Anniversary Special #1 and Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters #1.
Cover Artist: Dan Mora

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