Drawn and Quarterly

Anna and Froga I Dunno What Do You Want To Do HC

Product Number: 9781770461208


Writer: Anouk Ricard

Artist: Anouk Ricard

Publisher: Drawn and Quarterly

Embark on a fresh set of adventures with the hilariously snarky and mischievous heroes of Anna & Froga. In each short episode, Anouk Ricard's deceptively simple illustrations harmonize perfectly with the characters' petty, silly, and downright slapstick pranks. Bright colors, astutely observed details, and minimalist linework combine to present a world that is shockingly lively and joyous. Anna, Froga, Ron, Bubu, and Christopher have adventures that rival the best in classic comics. Ricard hits her stride in this second volume of the Anna & Froga books, which have found a loving home amongst classic comics connoisseurs, alternative comics fans, and children in North America and Europe alike.

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