Aftereffects Memories Of Pittsburgh Filmmaking Blu ray

Product Number: 688201990254


Publisher: Diabolikdvd

During the late 1970's in Pittsburgh an ambitious and intrepid trio of filmmakers pooled their resources together and came up with just enough money to make their first feature-length narrative film. Originally called THE MANIPULATOR, and later re-titled EFFECTS, the movie was finished but sat unreleased for nearly 25 years. In 2005, EFFECTS was finally unveiled to movie-goers world- wide, and Red Shirt Pictures was brought on to document the movie's long and winding road to release. With AFTEREFFECTS: MEMORIES OF PITTSBURGH FILMMAKING, many of the film's cast & crew re-unite to discuss not only the making of the movie but their experiences in the fledgling independent film industry in Pittsburgh in the 1970s

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