Abandoned Atlanta Forgotten History of Gate City

Product Number: 9781634990868


Author: Jeff Hagerman

Publisher: America Through Time

"Among the cobwebs and faint light that streams through the boards of broken windows, photographer Jeff Hagerman hopes to unravel the secrets of the past. Slipping into untouched abandoned spaces, it's here Hagerman is able to document the stories of those forgotten--and unknown.

The Atlanta-based explorer started taking photographs in 2012 and never imagined he'd expose the city's underbelly. Whether crawling through the city's sewer system to uncover hidden history of Martin Luther King Jr. or jumping in windows of remarkable vacated school buildings, he's unraveling treasures that make Atlanta so unique. Follow Hagerman through the smell of death and away from the peering eyes of security, and see what it's like to access some of the more inaccessible locations in the city."

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