X-Men Legends #5 Nauck Variant

Product Number: 75960620020700521


Writer: Peter David

Artist: Todd Nauck

Publisher: Marvel Comics

PETER DAVID RETURNS TO PLACE A MISSING PIECE OF THE X-FACTOR PUZZLE! Mutants have taken hostages, and X-Factor is taking the blame! But before judgment is rendered for POLARIS, HAVOK, WOLFSBANE, STRONG GUY, QUICKSILVER and MADROX the MULTIPLE MAN, VAL COOPER and X-Factor will take the stand! But whos telling the truth, and what really went down at the LATVERIAN EMBASSY? It all makes sense...from a certain point of view. Return to the fan-favorite era of Peter Davids X-FACTOR run with an all-new adventure set between X-FACTOR #75 and #76! Rated T+

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