Rom Epic Collect The Original Marvel Years TP Vol 01

Product Number: 9781302961084


Writer: Various

Artist: Various

Publisher: Marvel Comics

At last, the classic adventures of 80s sci-fi icon Rom the Spaceknight are collected in paperback format! Learn how Rom gave his life in service to his planet, Galador, becoming a Spaceknight sworn to protect it from the evil Dire Wraiths! Rom tracks these vile creatures across the cosmos to Earth, where they have infiltrated the highest levels including S.H.I.E.L.D. itself! Armed with his energy analyzer, only Rom can see the true form of the Dire Wraiths and with his neutralizer, he can blast them to Limbo! But what will Earth make of this armored invader? Will his quest be aided or hindered by encounters with the X-Men and Jack of Hearts? And can he survive deadly clashes with super villains like the Mad Thinker and the Space Phantom? COLLECTING: Rom (1979) 1-20 Rated T

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