Arrow Video

Evil Ed Blu ray

Product Number: 760137322689


Publisher: Arrow

A blood-soaked love letter to the splatter films of the '80s, video rental favorite Evil Ed returns in an extended "Special ED-ition" cut alongside hours of stomach-churning bonus features!

Mild-mannered film technician Edward enjoys his job. That is, until he finds himself transferred from his regular post to the "Splatter and Gore department", where he's forced to edit hours upon hours of grisly video nasty footage. Traumatised by the onscreen violence, Ed starts to lose his grip on reality with ghastly (and bloody) consequences...

Owing a debt to such films as The Evil Dead, Re-Animator and the early splatter classics of Peter Jackson, Evil Ed is a special FX fiend's dream offering up a veritable smorgasbord of flying limbs, exploding heads and creepy creatures!

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