Casper the Friendly Ghost TP Vol 01 Haunted Hijinks

Product Number: 9781945205170


Writer: Mike Wolfer

Artist: Eric Shanower

Publisher: American Mythology

Casper and all his friends are back! Join Hot Stuff, Wendy, Spooky, The Ghostly Trio, and more as everyone's favorite friendly ghost returns to tell all new silly stories of follies and friendship. These are tales in the wonderful vein of Harvey classics told by some of the best creators of today who were influenced by Casper in their youth. Experience one of comics' most loved and enduring characters with comics that are fun for everyone. This trade collects six issues of American Mythology's new Casper comics including Casper #1, 2, Casper and Wendy, Casper and Hot Stuff, and Casper's Ghostland #1 & 2! We also include some wonderful classic gags by legends like Warren Kremer, Howard Post, and Marty Taras!

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